Saturday, August 21, 2010

The First Tale...

I just finish reading Catcing Fire by Suzanne Collins. It was amazing! I would definitely rate it a 5. I love that book, and I am counting down the days until Mockingjay comes out. This series is completely wonderful! I am also reading the Clique novels. Zakiya, my best book buddy, has let me borrow books from her large collection of books; haha :). For those of you that dont know, I should explain what a mockingjay is. It's a sign of rebellion in the Hunger Games series. It is a cross between a mockingbird, a regular singing bird, and a jabberjay, a mutation made by the Capitol that was used as a spy. Just a random tidbit about me - I am a SUPERFAST reader; can finish a page in about 33.13 sec's :).

Well, Happy Reading,
- - - - Leanne:)

End of Post One


  1. Awesome intro! Of course, you've got a bunch of grammar mistakes that we shouldn't tell Mrs Shack about. :). Great post, though. And can't wait to see more from you. I'm your first follower, YAY!


  2. Welcome Welcome to the book blog world!

    It about time! Just kidding. I'm glad Z shares with you!

    I am also super jealous that you can read that fast! It's just not fair! LOL!

    Happy Reading and Blogging!

    Black Disaster Fairy

  3. Thanks and I am glad she shares too or I wouldn't ever read! LOL, well Happy reading & Blogging to You too!
